Lexi - The Gorgeous Golden

Lexi is the Chief Quality Control Officer at The Gorgeous Golden. She keeps a watchful eye during preparations. You can always find her checking the oven and dehydrator to ensure treatos are cooking as planned. She samples every batch for quality & taste!

Although Lexi was born 10 minutes from my home in Florida, I adopted her from a wonderful family in Tennessee. As we fell in love with each other, I wanted to do everything I could to provide her with healthy, tasty treats.

I noticed that most store bought treats had tons of ingredients - lots of preservatives and fillers. After more than one occasion of Lexi having an upset tummy from store bought treats, I began to make simple treats for her, sharing with her furriends. All the pups loved the goodies, and the parents did too!

With the support of family & friends, The Gorgeous Golden was born!